
I’m clearly writing too often, which is probably boring.  Still, just an update- the pump: KAPUT.  I have tapped/slapped/poked and prodded it at various points during the day to day, as no water comes out otherwise (before it started OK and then needed a prod, now- no prod no action).  But the final tap did nothing, and nothing has come out or gyrated or wiggled since.  Not a peep from the pump since the final nudge.  (Now I think about it, I remember the pump suddenly became very animated over night- rumbling and clicking and hissing in the distance).  So I filled up a bucket, a jug, another jug and a water bottle from the tap outside to keep me going over night- one for cooking, one for drinking, one for weeing (not to wee in, to flush down the wee I mean- maybe this is a little more information than anyone really needs?).  SO- tomorrow, a new pump needs to be purchased.  I also had an issue with the communal toilet on the mooring which involved me not being able to flush it, and then a pile of furniture and toilet paper falling in it when I turned my back to get a bucket to flush it with (hence the idea for the on-boat bucket).  So all round, an eventful evening.  Oh, and I also had a dinner of one-pot water cooking, to keep with the ‘water-in-pots’ theme of the night.  Corn on the cob, boiled egg and asparagus.  All cooked in one pot!



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